Throw the Dog a Bone: SpongeBob is kicked out of Sublime Seafoods when he asks to order a krabby patty, a food considered "despicable".Possibly a coincidence, but Employee of the Month has other parallels to Grim Fandango, so it's likely the developers had played it. Grim Fandango has a running gag about rusty anchors and things called Rusty Anchor, including a (mentioned) bar. There's a bar called The Rusty Anchor.When talking to the repairman, there is a chance he will say, "All I wanted was a kelpsi, just one kelpsi".However, the person having the party turns out to be SpongeBob himself. "Shaggy Dog" Story: Turns out, the tickets SpongeBob won aren't effective until next week, and this week the park is reserved for a private party.Ship Tease: SpongeBob has a pin-up-esque poster of Sandy in his Krusty Krab cabinet, claiming that looking at her makes him smile.Lampshaded when the curser points over them and the caption displays "Look at Strategically Placed Cans". Krabs sells his clothes and is nude in the Barg'N-Mart, a pile of cans in the foreground are covering his crotch. They instead speak regular English sans the raspberries.
#Spongebob employee of the month game cube series
Get Out!: The lobster waiter says this word-per-word to SpongeBob in Sublime Seafoods when he orders a krabby patty, which is considered "despicable", resulting in him banned from the restaurant.Gasshole: Mermaid Man becomes one from all the cola he drank during the aforementioned drinking contest.555: The number for Sublime Seafoods is 555-4444.
SpongeBob expresses frustration about this at one point. Fetch Quest: Most of the game is this.Felony Misdemeanor: The people of Sublime Seafoods obviously hate anyone from Bikini Bottom or any kind who would order anything "despicable" to their taste, so when SpongeBob comes to the restaurant for a jacket and asks for a krabby patty, the waiter is so offended that he bans him from the restaurant.